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Hotel Francois Premier Cognac Centre

Cognac, France

With a stay at Hotel Francois Premier Cognac Centre in Cognac, you will be close to the Chateau de Cognac and the Hennessy Cognac Company

Om Hotel Francois Premier Cognac Centre

With a stay at Hotel Francois Premier Cognac Centre in Cognac, you will be close to the Chateau de Cognac and the Hennessy Cognac Company. The main hotel amenities are free WiFi.Le hôtel offre 10 chambres pour vous relaxer.The closest airports to the hotel are Brie Champniers (Angouleme) and La Rochelle Ile de Re.Pour vous restaurer et vous désaltérer, l'établissement a lounge bar.To be advisedTo be advised

Karta över Hotel Francois Premier Cognac Centre


Hotel Francois Premier Cognac Centre

3 place Francois Premier


Cognac, France

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